
How to get into the habit of physical activity?

Do you have dnightto realisé that when we lose something, c'is at this time thatwe realize its importance?

Have you ever slowed down or even stopped your workout because you were injured? 

Last week when it was impossible for me to run (medical reason), I realized how essential training was to my life. While every Sunday, Monday and Wednesday I am used to running, skiing and snowshoeing, last week I was deprived of exercise.

I was privateyear of thehabit that Iinterviews.

A habit is made up of 3 parts, a trigger event, the habit itself and the reward.

Here is an example from the book »The power of clothes, by Charles Duhigg”:

What is a habit?

Triggering event: the worker sees that it is 15:30 p.m.

Routine: he gets up to get a coffee

Reward: he has the opportunity to socialize with colleagues

Take the example of brushing your teeth. In toothpaste, manufacturers always add a little ascorbic acid to irritate the gums a little bit and thus create that "fresh mouth" feeling. It is the need to feel a fresh mouth before going to bed or before going to work that makes us brush our teeth every day.


The triggering event: "I'm going to work and I want to have a fresh mouth"

Routine: I brush my teeth

Reward: I feel that my mouth is cool

And the need for a fresh mouthfeel comes back regularly.

The feeling of needing this reward will be great and it is mainly for this reason that the action becomes part of the daily routine. That's what a habit is.

But how to modify / crmake a habit?

The first step to changing a habit is determining what triggers the habit you would like to change. Do you bite your nails? Write down on a piece of paper what triggers your urge to bite your nails. Do you sometimes have “chocolate cravings”? What is the triggering event? Want to start training? Why? What are the reasons? And how to achieve it?

Here are some tips for whichenteredeventually become a habit :

– Clarify the triggering event as much as possible. For example, training with a friend at 18 p.m. on Monday evening is a better signal that “I'll go when I feel like it”;

– Clarify your reward. Following your training, take a few moments to savor the state of well-being in which you are;

– To help you get into the habit, you can also give yourself a reward at the end of the workout, such as a piece of chocolate or something you like. The more you progress in training, the more you will be able to withdraw this reward and the reward will have to become more intrinsic;

– Train in a group. This is a strong reward that will help you get into the habit of physical activity;

– Set yourself “smart” goals, i.e. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound goals;

– Give yourself a chance to try different sports or activities so you find something you like.

And remember that the important thing is to take the first step. After a few weeks and a few months, I'm sure you'll be like me and have a hard time depriving yourself of physical activity. It's a safe bet that exercise will relax you, help you focus, change your mood and improve your quality of life.

Citation: Duhigg, Charles. The Power Of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life And Business. New York: Random House, 2012. Print.

Marie-Eve Riou, Ph.D.
Gatineau / Ottawa Business Challenge
Phone: 1.855 249 3131#5 

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